A parallel dimension... The Squallor

In 1971, Giancarlo created the group Squallor, with the lyrics-writer Daniele Pace, the musician Totò Savio and the record-producers Alfredo Cerruti and Elio Gariboldi.  This group, which began as a  student-type joke, became for Giancarlo a whole parallel dimension to light music composition. With Squallor, each album was recorded and produced in the spirit of having a healthy laugh at the song world. For Squallor, Giancarlo wrote some lyrics and many tunes, sometimes acting in his “Tuscan cheeky devil” voice.
Some of the songs were:  “Noè”, an exhilarating piece, or “Guatemala Guatemala”, with its typical Tuscan profanity “Maremma Maiala” Giancarlo also appeared as an actor in the two films of the group, “Arrapaho” and “Uccelli d’Italia”. This brilliant group, the pioneers of “demented” Italian music, were very successful and lasted for over 20 years. Alas, halfway through the ‘80s Daniele Pace died, followed in 2004 by Totò Savio, Giancarlo’s true friend and “brother in music”.